You have a very flawed understanding of conservatism. Conservatism is not inherently against change, despite the popular belief. Conservatism seeks to progress while preserving the values and the systems that worked in the past. Conservatism is not “anti-progress” or “stuck in the past” as many progressives like to claim. Conservatism is anti-revolution and it seeks to progress with prudence and respect for the existing system. Progressivism does not always guarantee meaningful or good progress as seen in the French Revolution, where countless innocent lives were lost. France reverted back to a monarchy with the emergence of Napoleon soon after the revolution. Conservatism seeks the right progress where casualties are at minimum and old values and traditions that are of importance are preserved. Conservatism is more flexible than progressivism. Conservatism seeks to find a compromise and tolerance for the opinion of others. Conservatism respects the legal authority of a democratically and constitutionally elected government. Conservatism values responsibility and duties of citizens in a society. These are all values of conservatism that you missed to consider. You are entitled to your opinion but I find it hard to respect it when you come from a place of ignorance and bias.